March 12, 2018

Plant of the Week: Snow Day® Exochorda

Hello and happy Monday!

This week I want to share a post from another writer's blog - Jennifer Connell's 'Three Dogs in a Garden.' Jennifer is an artist, freelance writer, and photographer from Huttonville, Ontario and runs the blog with two additional contributors, Jean Godawa and Signe Langford.

Earlier this month, Jennifer did an amazing job of compiling some of our favorite new dwarf varieties into her "New Shrubs for 2018" post. Thanks so much!

Now on to Jane's Plant of the Week, which is an apropos choice since around here, it has still been lightly snowing pretty much every day.

Enjoy - Natalie  

Snow Day
Is a March snow day as good as a January one? I'm sure that the grade schoolers among us would say yes, but for those of us who have been driving on snow and ice for the past few months, one more blast of winter can seem just plain cruel. Enough already.

We've had a little snow this past week. Not enough to play in, but enough to brighten the gray landscape. Our friends on the east coast haven't been so fortunate. They've had quite a bit of severe weather in recent days, including some wicked snow and wind. A spring snow day can also be bad for plants...unless the plant itself is the treat.

We named the Snow Day® Exochorda as such because of their ability to delight us with the white stuff. Beautiful plants for the spring landscape, the horticultural Snow Day is far less inconvenient than the weather event.

Snow Day® 'Blizzard' (top picture) is the larger of the two plants (5-6') and can be trained into a small tree. Snow Day® Surprise (bottom image) is a smaller plant (3-4'); both will grow in full sun to partial shade and are hardy to USDA Zone 4.

Snow Day® 'Blizzard' and Snow Day® Surprise pearl bush are disease resistant and once established, are drought-tolerant. Exochorda flowers on old growth, so prune as needed after its had a chance to show its stuff in the spring.

Plant of the Week is written by Jane Beggs-Joles

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