January 25, 2019

Plant of the Week: Purple Pillar® Hibiscus syriacus

Hello and happy winter! It's finally full-on cold and snowy here in Michigan. As write this, I can look out the window and see the snow falling gently on the evergreens across the road here at Spring Meadow Nursery - it's beautiful. But also nice to be inside!

This week Jane brings a little color to the blog with a gorgeous, tall, rose of Sharon from our Pillar® series of Hibiscus.



We're nearing the end of January, and now is when you have an idea if those New Year's resolutions are going to stick as a permanent lifestyle change or were just an excuse to buy some new sneakers.

What if I told you that you could get lean without going Whole 30 or signing your life over to the CrossFit disciples? Here is an easy way to get lean in 2019:

  • Lean plants

Lean plants are popular. They can be used to screen a backyard in a crowded subdivision or grown as a container plant on a patio. Purple Pillar® Hibiscus syriacus does this plus has the adaptability we expect of a rose of Sharon.

Heat, drought, poor soil - it's no problem for this long-blooming plant.

Purple Pillar® hibiscus is hardy to USDA Zone 5 and grows 10-16' tall - but only 2-3' wide! Wow!

Plant of the Week is written by Jane Beggs-Joles.

Note from Natalie:
Purple Pillar® hibiscus is an award-winner! Winner of the Green Thumb award from the  Direct Gardening Association; and Silver Medal winner, Plantarium 2016.

Long blooming, heat tolerant, drought tolerant, deer resistant, and attracts pollinators - this plant is just waiting for your garden.

Until next week...stay warm!

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